WELCOME TO MMX SoFlo - Ft. Lauderdale


Who are We?
is a Massage, Wellness, and Events Club for Men founded in 2010 in NYC.
We have locations in Manhattan, Fire Island, and Fort Lauderdale.

What do you Offer in Florida?

Workshops - Group Events:
We offer a few Touch Workshops a month held at a professional space, with massage tables, and with trained facilitators.  The workshops are designed to teach you the Power of Touch - and how to be a better giver and receiver of touch - and to have fun with other sexy guys.  You'll be surprised at how powerful and profound this work can be.   You'll leave learning some new skills and techniques, relaxed and excited, stretching yourself in many ways, meeting new great guys, having fun, and learning more about your body and yourself.

Some of our events are more sensual, and some are therapeutic, some are learning and some are playful. 
It's great to be aroused or not - clothed or not - however you are comfortable. 
No event is a 'sex party'. 

Curious about what a workshop may be like? See a 60 second preview trailer of the guys, the bodies, the minds, and the great touch we give each other

Watch the Trailer

Yoga:   Offered thru Tantrapirat.com. 
You can find their offerings on Meetup.com. 

Individual Treatments:
We are building a team of masseurs locally eager to get their hands on you. 
We can send you our preferred partners.

You can check out our current roster and book a session at www.bookmmx.com

To see a full list of our Pros in NY and FL - Go to www.mmxnyc.com/pros

If you have a referral, let us know.  
We will continue to hire and seek out the BEST masseurs in South Florida. 

What about Connecting for Massage Trades with Members? 
MMX has a pretty robust online system called MMX Connect & EZ Touch that is largely NYC members. 
We have about 350 guys signed on in Florida. 

Where do you Meet?
Pirat Studios is on Oakland Park Blvd Just North of Federal

I'm interested - What now? It's simple, just click the JOIN LINK here or go to the home page (www.mmxnyc.com) and click Become a Member. 

MMX Membership is not for everyone - it's for guys who honor their body and take good care of themselves physically and mentally. 
Age range is largely from 21 to early 60s.  

Our Fort Lauderdale Meetup Group spans all ages with lots of diversity.

Join Now...It's Free
